Beauty of Marriage - criteria woman of your dreams

Marriage is a gateway to build a household. By performing the ceremony, then something previously forbidden becomes lawful, even into the practice of worship that is worth a great reward with Allah Ta'ala.

Proposition disyari'atkannya marriage

"And Marriage  those who still own among you, and decent people (married) of servants sahayamu that both men and women. If they are poor, Allah will give them the ability to His Grace. And Allah is the area (his gift), the Knower "(QS. An Nur: 32).
"O young men, one of you who have been able to bear a living, he should get married" (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Marriage  is the Sunnah of the apostles, as Allah Almighty (which means),
 "And We sent some Messengers before you and We gave them wives and offspring" (QS. Ar Ra'd: 38).

Lessons Marriage

"And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives of your kind alone, that you tend to be and feel at ease to him, and he made among you a sense of love and affection. Verily in this is truly there are signs for those who reflect "(QS. Ar Rum: 21).
In this verse, Allah describes the marriage wisdom, namely:

1. Manifests of peace and tranquility
2. Awake pubic,
3. Maintain nasab, and
4. Increase the number of Muslims.

Criteria for wife

"Women married for four things: their wealth, nasabnya, beauty, and religion. Then choose a good religion. If not, you will surely be the losers "
(HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Ibn Hajar explains, religious criteria should be the primary consideration in all matters. Moreover, in choosing a wife. The Prophet ordered us to get a good match their religion, because religion is both a culmination of the desired Shari'ah (see Fath al-Bari).

Moreover, the Prophet recommends to choose a bride fertile (not sterile) as the word of Allah,
"Marry you with women very loving and fertile, for surely I would be proud of many of my people on the Day of Resurrection" (HR. Abu Dawud and An NASAA-i. Al Albani says, "hasan Saheeh").

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