Once a person has determines his future wife, then allowed him to apply for the his future wife. Khitbah / application is manifest desire to marry a particular woman and notify the trustee of women on these desires. Islam set-adab adab relating to the application, some of which are as follows:
1. Haram applying for a woman who is already spoken by the brother of another Muslim. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
"Let a man applying for a woman who has spoken for his brother, until his brother was married or leave it"
(HR. Bukhari).
That application that has been getting positive feedback even if only a gesture. However, if the application is accepted or not is not clear, then why not for other men to apply for the same woman (see Fath al-Bari).
2. Not to be openly proposed to women in conditions of'iddah since separated from her husband (either because of divorce or death of triple divorce). However allowed signaled to the woman. As Allah says (which means),
"And there is no sin for you woo women (who are still in the waiting period) was the satire"
(Surat al. Baqarah: 235).
For example, a man says to a woman who has just left her husband dead with the words, "I hope that God will provide convenience for me to have a wife who shalihah", without naming the woman.
3. The application is merely a promise to marry as starters to get to the wedding.
So that a person who has applied for the status of his relationship is still as men and women who Ajnabi (not mahram). Not to be alone together and touch each other.
4. It is recommended for men who want to marry women to see women from the body parts are commonly seen is the face and palms. As the hadith of Jabir radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,
"If one of you want to apply for a girl, if she was able to see part of his body (usually seen) who encouraged him to marry her, then do"
(HR. Abu Dawud, Ahmad and Hakim, Sahih).
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